Gain Freedom from Money Stress
A step-by-step plan to help you save money, pay off debt & live the life you want.
Get Started

Book a consultation
Choose a date & time. We’ll discuss your current situation & goals to determine how financial coaching can help you reach them.

Create your plan
We craft a customized step-by-step plan together to fit your needs and help you to achieve your goals.

Walk your plan together
You won’t have to do it alone! We’ll guide you to reach your goals & live the life you want.
Many people stress about where their money is going,
because at end of week/month, they think there should be more of it.

Gain clarity and confidence with your finances
- Know where your money is going
- Accelerate paying off debt
- Lay foundation for wealth building
- Reach your financial goals
Confidence. Freedom. Prosperity.
What Clients are Saying...
"Our way wasn't working.
(Nikki) was feeling alone, almost in tears.
Now we're in this together.
We wouldn't be at this point if it wasn't for Coach Kathy."
We wouldn't be at this point if it wasn't for Coach Kathy."
Nikki & Dave
middle aged couple, paid off $7,500 debt in 3 months
"Leaps & bound better in just 5 months - doing stuff I didn't think I'd be able to do.
1st Christmas in years I didn't use a credit card, not even once. Really good feeling, not going to lie."
1st Christmas in years I didn't use a credit card, not even once. Really good feeling, not going to lie."
single mom, two children
"I would highly recommend Kathy as a financial coach for others. She is calm, patient, nonjudgmental and shares great ideas. The biggest benefit was talking about my habits, fears and goals with Kathy."
approaching retirement
Before I "felt so out of control - so many decisions to make, things to look at.
- Kathy really helped me do that - break into smaller steps & doable"
- A lot of things have come together in our time together" Now I ask "is what I'm spending my money on align with my values?"
- A lot of things have come together in our time together" Now I ask "is what I'm spending my money on align with my values?"
newly divorced
"(I) went from definitely clueless to knowing what I'm doing.
(I had) no idea how to form a financial plan. Now form budget, think ahead of time. Better at adulting with my money"
(I had) no idea how to form a financial plan. Now form budget, think ahead of time. Better at adulting with my money"
single early 20s; paid off $9,600 in four months
Most people were never taught about personal finance, instead they learned about money by trial & error.
As a result, they:
- Worry about paying bills
- Feel alone, panic or shame
- Fight with their spouse about money
- Live paycheck to paycheck
- Stress over unexpected expenses

Instead let's design your personalized plan together.
- Take control of your money
- Get out of debt
- Break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck
- Learn how to save
- Create wealth. Live in abundance.
- Address how you behave with money & what causes you to do so.
Get started today. Learn how to win with money.
I help you make a money plan so you can reach your goals and live the life you want.